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AP Chemistry Unit to Textbook Chapter Conversion
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Unit 0: Chemistry Foundations
💻 SI Units Conversion
💻 Scientific Notation
💻 Counting Significant Figures (Sig Figs)
💻 Sig Fig Rules for Multiplication and Division
💻 Sig Fig Rules for Addition and Subtraction
💻 Temperature Conversions
💻 Density
💻 Classification of Matter (Pure Substance, Element, Compound, Mixture, Homogeneous, Heterogeneous)
💻 Chemical vs Physical Properties
💻 Chemical vs Physical Changes
💻 Periodic Table Overview (Group, Period, Metal, Nonmetal, Transition Metals)
💻 Naming Molecular Compounds
💻 Naming Main Group Ionic Compounds
💻 Naming Ionic Compounds with Transition Metals
💻 Naming Ionic Compounds with Polyatomic Ions
💻 Naming Binary Acids
💻 Naming Oxyacids
Unit 1: Atomic Structure and Properties
🎯 Unit 1 Skills Checklist
📖 Unit 1 Notes
💻 Calculating Molar Mass
💻 Grams and Moles Conversion
💻 Grams, Moles, and Particles Conversion
💻 Calculating Mole Fraction
✅ [Progress Check] 1.1: Moles and Molar Mass
💻 Calculating Average Atomic Mass Given Percent Abundance
💻 Calculating Percent Abundance of Isotopes
✅ [Progress Check] 1.2: Mass Spectroscopy of Elements
💻 Mass Percent of Elements in Compounds
💻 Empirical Formula
💻 Empirical Formula to Molecular Formula
💻 Combustion Analysis
💻 Determining the Formula of a Hydrate
✅ [Progress Check] 1.3: Elemental Composition of Pure Substances
✅ [Progress Check] 1.4: Composition of Mixtures
💻 Number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
💻 Electron Configuration
💻 Aufbau's Principle, Hund's Rule, and Paul Exclusion Principle
💻 Ground or Excited State
💻 Effective Nuclear Charge
✅ [Progress Check] 1.5: Atomic Structure and Electron Configuration
💻 Photoelectron Spectrum (PES)
✅ [Progress Check] 1.6: Photoelectron Spectroscopy
💻 Ionization Energy
💻 Atomic Radius
💻 Ionic Radius
💻 Electron Affinity
💻 Periodic Trends Summary
✅[Progress Check] 1.7: Periodic Trends
💻 How to Count Valence Electrons
💻 Charge of Ions
✅[Progress Check] 1.8: Valence Electrons and Ionic Compounds
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Unit 2: Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties
🎯 Unit 2 Skills Checklist
📖 Unit 2 Notes
💻 Types of Bonds (Ionic, Nonpolar Covalent, Polar Covalent)
💻 Bond Polarity
✅[Progress Check] 2.1: Types of Chemical Bonds
💻 Potential Energy Diagrams
💻 Lattice Energy
✅[Progress Check] 2.2: Intramolecular Force and Potential Energy
💻 Ionic Compound Structure and Properties
✅[Progress Check] 2.3: Structure of Ionic Solids
💻 Metallic Bonding and Alloys
✅[Progress Check] 2.4: Structure of Metals and Alloys
💻 Drawing Lewis Structures of Molecular Compounds
💻 Exceptions to Octet Rule
✅[Progress Check] 2.5: Lewis Diagrams
💻 Resonance Structures
💻 Bond Order
💻 Formal Charge and Most Stable Structure
✅[Progress Check] 2.6: Resonance and Formal Charge
💻 VSEPR: Electron Geometry and Molecular Geometry
💻 Polar and Nonpolar Molecules
💻 Hybridization
💻 Sigma and Pi Bonds
✅ [Progress Check] 2.7: VSEPR and Bond Hybridization
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Unit 3: Intermolecular Forces and Properties
🎯 Unit 3 Skills Checklist
📖 Unit 3 Notes
💻 Intermolecular Forces: London Dispersion, Dipole Dipole, Hydrogen Bond
💻 Intermolecular Force Trends and Relationships
💻 Which Substance Has a Higher Boiling Point?
💻 Which Substance Has a Higher Vapor Pressure?
✅ [Progress Check] 3.1: Intermolecular Forces
💻 Types of Solids: Ionic, Molecular, Network, and Metallic
💻 Properties of Solids of Ionic, Molecular, Network, and Metallic Solids
💻 Lattice Energy of Ionic Solids
✅ [Progress Check] 3.2: Properties of Solids
💻 Phase Diagram (Not Required)
✅ [Progress Check] 3.3: Solids, Liquids, and Gases
💻 Pressure Unit Conversions
💻 Reading Gas Manometer
💻 Gas Law Relationships
💻 Boyle's Law
💻 Charles' Law
💻 Gay-Lussac's Law
💻 Avogadro's Law
💻 Ideal Gas Law
💻 Combined Gas Law
💻 Gas Density and Molar Mass Problems
💻 Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP)
💻 Gas Density and Molar Mass at STP
💻 Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure
✅ [Progress Check] 3.4: Ideal Gas Law
💻 Factors Affecting Gas Velocity
💻 Average Kinetic Energy (Temperature) vs Molecular Velocity
💻 Calculating Root Mean Square Velocity (Not Required)
💻 Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
💻 Graham's Law of Gas Effusion & Diffusion
✅ [Progress Check] 3.5: Kinetic Molecular Theory
💻 Real Gas vs Ideal Gas
✅ [Progress Check] 3.6: Deviation from Ideal Gas Law
💻 Molarity
💻 Calculating the Concentration of Ions
💻 Dilution
✅ [Progress Check] 3.7: Solutions and Mixtures
💻 Representation of Solutions
✅ [Progress Check] 3.8: Representation of Solutions
💻 Solubility Curve
✅ [Progress Check] 3.9: Separation of Solutions and Mixtures Chromatography
💻 Solubility: Likes Dissolves Likes
✅ [Progress Check] 3.10: Solubility
💻 Microwave, Infrared, Ultraviolet, and Visible Light
✅ [Progress Check] 3.11: Spectroscopy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
💻 Relationship between Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy
💻 Wavelength and Frequency Problems
💻 Energy Problems
💻 Photoelectric Effect
✅ [Progress Check] 3.12: Photoelectric Effect
💻 Beer's Law
✅ [Progress Check] 3.13: Beer-Lambert Law
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📝 Stoichiometry FRQ
Unit 4: Chemical Reactions
🎯 Unit 4 Skills Checklist
📖 Unit 4 Notes
💻 Physical Change vs Chemical Change
✅ [Progress Check] 4.1: Introduction for Reactions
💻 Balancing Chemical Reactions
💻 Molecular, Complete Ionic, and Net Ionic Reactions
✅ [Progress Check] 4.2: Net Ionic Equations
💻 Reaction Particle Diagrams
✅ [Progress Check] 4.3: Representations of Reactions
💻 Bonds vs Intermolecular Force Changes in Reactions
✅ [Progress Check] 4.4: Physical and Chemical Changes
💻 Gram to Gram Stoichiometry
💻 Determining Limiting Reactant
💻 Calculating Amount of Excess Reactant Remaining
💻 Actual Yield, Theoretical Yield, and Percent Yield
💻 Gas Stoichiometry
💻 Solutions and Molarity Stoichiometry
✅ [Progress Check] 4.5: Stoichiometry
💻 Titration Calculations
✅ [Progress Check] 4.6: Introduction to Titration
💻 Types of Reactions
💻 Precipitation Reactions
💻 Oxidation Number
💻 Identifying Which Substance is Oxidized or Reduced
✅ [Progress Check] 4.7: Types of Reactions
💻 Acid Base Reactions
💻 Identifying Acid, Base, Conjugate Acid, and Conjugate Base
💻 Finding the Conjugate Acid of a Base
💻 Finding the Conjugate Base of an Acid
💻 Amphoteric Species
✅ [Progress Check] 4.8: Introduction to Acid-Base Reactions
💻 Oxidation Numbers
💻 Identifying Which Substance is Oxidized and Reduced
💻 Balancing Redox Reactions in Acidic Conditions
💻 Balancing Redox Reactions in Basic Conditions
✅ [Progress Check] 4.9: Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions
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Unit 5: Kinetics
🎯 Unit 5 Skills Checklist
📖 Unit 5 Notes
💻 Factors Affecting Reaction Rates
💻 Calculating Rates of Reaction
✅ [Progress Check] 5.1: Reaction Rates
💻 Determining the Reactant Order Using Initial Rate Method
💻 Units of Rate Constant
💻 Differential Rate Law Practice Problems
✅ [Progress Check] 5.2: Introduction to Reaction Rates
💻 Integrated Rate Law
💻 Half Life
✅ [Progress Check] 5.3: Concentration Changes Over Time
💻 Reaction Mechanisms, Elementary Steps, and Overall Rate law
💻 Molecularity
✅ [Progress Check] 5.4: Elementary Reactions
💻 Collision Model
✅ [Progress Check] 5.5: Collision Model
💻 Energy Diagram & Energy Profile
✅ [Progress Check] 5.6: Reaction Energy Profile
💻 Reaction Mechanisms, Elementary Steps, and Overall Rate law
💻 Identifying Catalyst and Intermediates
✅ [Progress Check] 5.7: Introduction to Reaction Mechanisms
✅ [Progress Check] 5.8: Reaction Mechanism and Rate Law
✅ [Progress Check] 5.9: Steady State Approximation
💻 Multistep reaction Energy Profile
✅ [Progress Check] 5.10: Multistep Reaction Energy Profile
💻 Catalyst
✅ [Progress Check] 5.11: Catalysis
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Unit 6: Thermodynamics
🎯 Unit 6 Skills Checklist
📖 Unit 6 Notes
💻 Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
✅ [Progress Check] 6.1: Endothermic and Exothermic Processes
💻 Energy Diagrams
✅ [Progress Check] 6.2: Energy Diagrams
💻 Heat Transfer and Thermoequilibrium
✅ [Progress Check] 6.3: Heat Transfer and Thermal Equilibrium
💻 Specific Heat Capacity (q=mC∆T)
💻 Object Object Heat Transfer Problems
💻 Coffee Cup Calorimetry
✅ [Progress Check] 6.4: Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
💻 Heating and Cooling Curves
✅ [Progress Check] 6.5: Energy of Phase Changes
💻 Heat Stoichiometry
✅ [Progress Check] 6.6: Introduction to Enthalpy of Reactions
💻 Calculating ∆H° with Bond Enthalpy
✅ [Progress Check] 6.7: Bond Enthalpies
💻 Calculating ∆H° with Heat of Formation
✅ [Progress Check] 6.8: Enthalpy of Formation
💻 Calculating ∆H° with Hess's Law
✅ [Progress Check] 6.9: Hess's Law
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Unit 7: Equilibrium
🎯 Unit 7 Skills Checklist
📖 Unit 7 Notes
💻 Introduction to Equilibrium
✅ [Progress Check] 7.1: Introduction to Equilibrium
💻 Rates and Equilibrium
✅ [Progress Check] 7.2: Direction of Reversible Reactions
💻 Writing Equilibrium Constant Expression (Kc, Kp, Keq)
💻 Converting between Kc and Kp (Not Required)
✅ [Progress Check] 7.3: Reactions Quotient and Equilibrium Constant
💻 Calculating the Equilibrium Constant K
✅ [Progress Check] 7.4: Calculating the Equilibrium Constant
💻 Magnitude of the Equilibrium Constant
✅ [Progress Check] 7.5: Magnitude of the Equilibrium Constant
💻 Equilibrium Constant Manipulation
✅ [Progress Check] 7.6: Properties of the Equilibrium Constant
💻 ICE Table Problems
✅ [Progress Check] 7.7: Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations
✅ [Progress Check] 7.8: Representations of Equilibrium
💻 Le Chatelier's Principle
✅ [Progress Check] 7.9: Introduction to Le Chatelier's Principle
💻 Q. vs K (Reaction Quotient vs Equilibrium Constant)
✅ [Progress Check] 7.10: Reaction Quotient and Le Chatelier's Principle
💻 Writing Dissolution Reactions and Ksp Expressions
💻 Calculating Ksp from Molarity Solubility
💻 Calculating Molar Solubility from Ksp
💻 Determining Which Solid is More Soluble from its Ksp Value
💻 Will a Precipitate Form?
✅ [Progress Check] 7.11: Introduction to Solubility Equilibria
💻 Common Ion Effect
✅ [Progress Check] 7.12: Common Ion Effect
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📝 Equilibrium Free Response Questions (FRQ)
📝 Ksp Free Response Questions (FRQ)
Unit 8: Acids and Bases
🎯 Unit 8 Skills Checklist
📖 Unit 8 Notes
💻 Calculating pH, pOH, [OH-], and [H+] / [H3O+]
✅ [Progress Check] 8.1: Introduction to Acids and Bases
💻 Strong Acids vs Weak Acids
💻 pH of Strong Acids
💻 pH of Strong Bases
✅ [Progress Check] 8.2: pH and pOH of Strong Acids and Bases
💻 Writing Acid Dissociation / Ionization Reactions and Ka Expressions
💻 pH of Weak Acids
💻 Ka of Weak Acids
💻 Percent Ionization & Percent Dissociation of Acids
💻 Writing Base Dissociation / Ionization Reaction and Kb Expressions
💻 pH of Weak Bases
💻 Percent Ionization & Percent Dissociation of Bases
✅ [Progress Check] 8.3: Weak Acid and Base Equilibria
💻 Strong Acid Strong Base pH Calculations
💻 Weak Acid Strong Base pH Calculations
💻 Weak Base Strong Acid pH Calculations
💻 Is the Salt Acidic, Basic, or Neutral
💻 Calculating the pH of Salt Solutions
✅ [Progress Check] 8.4: Acid-Base Reactions and Buffers
💻 Strong Acid Strong Base Titration Curve
💻 Weak Acid Strong Base Titration Curve
✅ [Progress Check] 8.5: Acid-Base Titrations
💻 Structure Effect on Acid Strength
💻 Which Side Does the Acid Base Reaction Favor?
✅ [Progress Check] 8.6: Molecular Structures of Acids and Bases
💻 Comparing pH to pKa
✅ [Progress Check] 8.7: pH and pKa
💻 How to Create a Buffer
✅ [Progress Check] 8.8: Properties of Buffers
💻 Calculating the pH of a Buffer
✅ [Progress Check] 8.9: Henderson-Hasslebach Equation
💻 pH and Buffer Capacity
✅ [Progress Check] 8.10: Buffer Capacity
💻 pH and Solubility
✅ [Progress Check] 8.11: pH and Solubility
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Unit 9: Applications of Thermodynamics
🎯 Unit 9 Skills Checklist
📖 Unit 9 Notes
💻 Predicting the Sign of ∆S (Change in Entropy)
✅ [Progress Check] 9.1: Introduction to Entropy
💻 Calculating the ∆S°rxn (Change in Entropy of a Reaction)
✅ [Progress Check] 9.2: Absolute Entropy and Entropy Change
💻 Calculating ∆G° from ∆H, ∆S, and T
💻 Calculating ∆G° from ∆G°f Formation Values
💻 When is the Reaction Spontaneous (All Temp, High Temp, Low Temp, Never)
✅ [Progress Check] 9.3: Gibb's Free Energy and Thermodynamic Favorability
💻 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Control
✅ [Progress Check] 9.4: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Control
💻 Converting Between ∆G° and K
✅ [Progress Check] 9.5: Free Energy and Equilibrium
💻 Free Energy of Dissolution
✅ [Progress Check] 9.6: Free Energy of Dissolution
💻 Coupled Reactions
✅ [Progress Check] 9.7: Coupled Reactions
💻 Galvanic Cell Summary
💻 Electrolytic Cell Summary
✅ [Progress Check] 9.8: Galvanic (Voltaic) and Electrolytic Cells
💻 Calculating the Standard Cell Potential of a Redox Reaction
💻 Determine if a Redox Reaction is Spontaneous or Not
💻 Calculating ∆G° of a Redox Reaction
✅ [Progress Check] 9.9: Cell Potential and Free Energy
💻 Calculating Cell Potential Under Nonstandard Conditions
✅ [Progress Check] 9.10: Cell Potential Under Nonstandard Conditions
💻 Electrolysis Stoichiometry (Time, Amps, Moles of Electrons, Mass, Charge)
✅ [Progress Check] 9.11: Electrolysis and Faraday's Law
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📝 Electrochemistry Free Response Questions (FRQ)
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💻 Calculating ∆H° with Bond Enthalpy
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